And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay.
- Matthew 10:7-9
Deliverance has recently gotten quite a bit of attention from both Christians and non-Christians who are seeking freedom from demonic influence, oppression, and even possession. Deliverance is nothing like Hollywood would like you to believe and it is not new. Deliverance was always a part of Christ's ministry while on earth and continues to be a part of His ministry through the church, just as Christ commanded us in Matthew. The Gospel's great power provides freedom from sin, death, all curses, and bondage of the Kingdom of Darkness.
We, at CCC Deliverance Ministry, continue to pursue excellence in providing you with the most effective ways to grow in your walk with Christ. We offer methods of personal deliverance for individuals who have not attended our seminar, while still providing the continuing process for Deliverance Seminar alumni. We want to assure you that we respect your privacy in this matter and provide complete confidentiality for all appointments.

We'll announce the dates as we determine next year's schedule. To stay updated, fill in your email below.
Request Deliverance
Before you commit, we would like for you to understand that there are pre-requisites for all deliverance sessions. Please note that each request is saturated in prayer before an appointment is granted. We take this seriously and do not enter into this process of deliverance lightly. Each personal deliverance session is important to the ministry. If you would like to schedule an appointment for personal deliverance please submit the form by clicking the button below.